Free Help Connecting With More Joint Venture Partners

One of the biggest keys to my massive success online over the
past 21 years is that I network like CRAZY.

When I first started my online business in 1996, I was “a lone
wolf.” I viewed everyone in my space as competition.

I felt that if my subscribers and prospects bought from you, they
would have no money to buy from me!

Then in December of 2002, I was invited to speak at an internet
marketing seminar held at Hawk’s Cay down in the Florida Keys. I
accepted and attended my first ever internet marketing event.

YES, I spoke at the first live IM event I ever attended!

Something STRANGE happened at that event…

I noticed that all of the other speakers were sharing tips, and
suggesting that they work TOGETHER on projects.

They also invited me, a relative unknown, to consider working
with them on projects.

I was actually a bit of an outsider at the time in that I didn’t
teach internet marketing. Instead, I had written a “soul food
cookbook” that I’d been very successful with, and Dr. Bob Silver,
the seminar host invited me because he wanted someone outside the
“make money online” niche to share how I sold a self-published
cookbook using IM tactics.

After that seminar, I was an “IM guru,” and also so bitten by the
seminar and speaking bug, that I hosted my OWN Live Seminar, in
April of 2003.

Yes, just 4 months later, and many of my speakers were fellow
speakers from that first event. Several of the attendees from
the Hawk’s Cay event also attended my first seminar 🙂

Today, I land a lot of business via networking, and doing joint
ventures. I do this both online and offline.

Offline, I network a lot with LOCAL business owners right in my
city. In fact, I am the Alignable Alliance Ambassador for the
Alignable Alliance of Niceville FL Group where I was also
recently voted Local Business Person Of The Year.

If you are a small business owner (online or offline) in the U.S.
or Canada, you can join Alignable for free by visiting After doing so, please reach out and connect with

Today though, I wanted to gift you with membership in a POWERFUL,
very focused online community.

I have arranged for you to get Full Access to the Joint Venture
Directory for Free.

The Joint Venture Directory is a community of over 1,000 Business
Owners, Coaches, Speakers and Authors looking to partner and
collaborate to grow our businesses.

The Directory is, as the name suggest, a database, where you can
enter your details, and sift through finding suitable JV
partners, and other members do the same.

We also have online networking events several times per month,
each for a slightly different segment of the membership.

During these online events we typically all jump on a Zoom call,
and following a brief overview, break off into smaller breakout

We do this several times with the objective of having members
meet and get to know a few other members during each breakout

Then we all go back into the main Zoom room where the moderator
allows any member desiring to do so to give their elevator
speech. The event typically continues until every members
desiring to speak has had an opportunity.

I’ve really benefitted from both the networking events, and just
being listed in the directory.

Members regularly reach out to me, and I do the same with them.
Where it makes sense we work together to grow both our
businesses, and benefit our audiences!

I’ve arranged a Private Training Session and Setup for your Free
Account in our Joint Venture Directory 🙂

Sign- Up Here:

During the training you’ll:

– Learn Strategies for finding Joint Venture and Collaboration
– Learn step by Step How to find people to partner with
The training is Thursday, March 23rd at 1:00 PM Eastern / 10:00
AM Pacific

Don’t worry, the recording will be available if you register
below and can’t make it live.

Go ahead and take advantage of this gift now, and start
networking and joint venturing with business owners who
understand the importance of using JV’s for faster and easier
business growth.

To your success,
Willie Crawford