Why You Absolutely Must Check Out BC Stack 2024

Some of you may be familiar with BC Stack.

It’s where 65 or so product owners all contribute one of their best products and
the package is offered for 1 week at some ridiculous price.

This year, the price is $49, but I don’t know what the total value of the package is.

However, I personally contributed a product that will be marketed at $297 longterm,
beginning shortly after BC Stack is over. So, I think that it’s safe to assume that
the package should have a value of at least $297 x 65 = $19,305… since there is
also some additional training on how to get the most out of the package!

BC Stack will run June 10th – 16th, and this year is the 10 Anniversary of the project,
so Dan Morris (project founder/coordinator) was extremely picky in products accepted.
In fact, he turned down the majority of products offered.

Please take a moment to listen to this interview that I did with Dan here:

This interview was VERY insightful, and taught me a LOT of things that I didn’t
previously know. In fact, I’m already planning to implement many of things that
Dan taught me!

Check it out now since it will all end on June 16th!