The ONE Thing…

If you are anything like me, you often find yourself with so many
things on your plate that you don’t know where to start.

Heck, sometimes you probably feel like just throwing up your
hands and crawling back in bed.

I deal with this by doing two things.

First, I look at my “To Do List” and sort it… looking for
things that I should outsource or delegate to others, looking for
things to eliminate because they simply aren’t necessary, then
asking myself which things are truly the most important.

I make sure that I’m NOT choosing to do things simply to be able
to check them of my To Do List, because it IS human nature to
want that feeling of accomplishment that comes with checking
things off a list 🙂

Secondly, I choose ONE THING to focus on first and absolutely do
that day… FORCING myself to focus on nothing else until that is

This system has worked for me for YEARS, but I do from time to
time need to bring myself back to center!

Today, I’m focused on getting a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU)
completed and over to a client. The only reason that this MOU is
a challenge is that it’s for something I’ve never done before,
but will make me more in a few days than the average American
earns in a year. It’s also a MOU that with minor modifications,
I can use over and over again.

My challenge is that I’ve searched through numerous sites
offering legal documents and NOT found one even close to what I
think that I need.

At the same time, after 30+ years of writing very important
documents, I already know that it’s just a matter of getting it
on paper, pushing it out, and making adjustments based upon the
feedback that I get.

So, let me get that document drafted, pushed out, and then I can
spend the rest of the day playing with the toys that the little
kids I’m surrounded with got for Christmas 🙂

After getting feedback from my client, since it is a memorandum
of “understanding” then I’ll probably run it through my legal
advisor too.

How are YOU focusing on the ONE THING today?

About The Author:
Willie Crawford has been creating and selling goods and services
over the internet since 1996. During that time, he has also
personally trained thousands in affiliate marketing, product
creation, joint venture brokering, and creating rank and rent

Most recently, Willie has focused on teaching small brick and mortar
businesses how to harness referral marketing, social media, and
how to claim Civid-Related tax rebates offered via the Employee
Retention Credit (ERC) program. For more information on the latter
please visit: