How To Get A Million Dollars In Free Publicity

I have been featured on countless podcasts, in magazine (including
in-flight magazines), newspaper, television and radio interviews.

I’ve also spoken at nearly 100 live events around the world and on
cruise ships, and hosted lots of my own LIVE events.

I also host several of my OWN podcasts!

So when it comes to getting your message out to the world, I am not
totally clueless.

This video tells you how to get featured on interviews, and get your
message out to literally MILLIONS if you can follow a few simple
suggestions… which I’m freely sharing with you here.

Feel free to ask any questions, or leave any comments that come to
mind in the space provided below the video on YouTube!

Please share this video with your audience as you so feel moved.

For more free tips, tactics, and even ENTIRE COURSES from me please
subscribe to the channel 😉