A big part of winning in business is maintaining top of mind
Your customer will purchase when they are at the right stage in
the buying cycle, but when they realize that they need a product,
they usually buy from whatever business jumps out at them. You
make sure that you are that business using frequent “touches”
with your customers.
This time of the year, EVERY serious business will make one of
those touches a holiday card… usually a Christmas card.
The problem with just sending a Christmas card is that your will
be one of many. I personally get several dozen every year.
How do you stand out among the masses?
My answer is, “Send A Thanksgiving Card!”
This is actually an idea that I picked up from marketing legend,
Dan Kennedy, many years ago. Dan and his partner, Bill Glazer,
even provided a “swipe and deploy” kit to subscribers of his
newsletter, which I still have in my files
Today, I still use many of Dan’s brilliant marketing ideas, and
will get my Thanksgiving cards out in a week or so… ensuring
that I maintain that top of mind awareness during this holiday
I use a system called Send Out Cards (SOC), to send my cards in
bulk… right over the internet.
I have been using them since 2004, and am a very happy customers.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am also an affiliate for
their fantastic, and very affordable, products. Yes, I earn
commissions from recommending them, but would never recommend
something that I didn’t absolutely love. My recommendation is
too important to do that.
Please take a few minutes to check out SOC, even send a free card
on me to see how easy the system is to use, and let me know what
questions you have.
Send your free card to someone in your household or office so
that you can see the quality.
Then get those Thanksgiving cards in the mail so that they arrive
in time to make a nice impression.
Go here now: http://TheCardThingy.com
Wishing you an early Happy Thanksgiving,
Willie Crawford