To combat the insane price of eggs, I simply went on
NextDoor.com, and posted in my local area asking if any LOCALS
were selling eggs.
I instantly discovered a dozen or so people within 30 minutes of
where I live who raised chickens, and sold the eggs. Some people
also pointed out others that they knew who did, and many of them
delivered… usually on set days for certain locations.
ALL of those whom I connected with charged LESS than local
supermarkets, and most of them offered eggs from chickens raised
with drugs… and usually free-range
In-case you are not familiar with NextDoor, this is what Mr.
Google had to say:
Nextdoor is a hyperlocal social networking service designed to
connect neighbors and foster community engagement within local
neighborhoods. Founded in 2008 and headquartered in San
Francisco, California, Nextdoor has expanded its reach to over
100 million verified users across 11 countries, encompassing more
than 340,000 neighborhoods globally.
In the United States, Nextdoor is utilized by approximately 13%
of American adults.
The platform is particularly popular in communities that are less
dense, predominantly White, wealthier, older, and more educated.
Notably, one in three U.S. households engages with Nextdoor,
reflecting its significant presence in American neighborhoods.
Nextdoor’s availability spans 11 countries, including the United
States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy,
Spain, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Canada.
This extensive coverage allows users worldwide to connect, share
information, and build stronger local communities through the