6-Figure eBay Side-Hustle Starting With The Beginning

One of the popular catch-phrases that we hear a lot these
days is “side-hustle.” That is, of course, something that
you do to earn a little extra while not having it interfere
with your regular job… if you still have one.

I retired from the USAF back in 2003, and haven’t had a JOB
since then. I haven’t needed to since I started an online
business 6 years before retiring.

In the 26 years since I first came online, I HAVE done a
lot of things that could be considered a side-hustle.

One that I noticed, but never really focused on was eBay.

I have taught many of the things that I have been very
successful with. I’ve taught courses on how to make
6 or even 7 figures per year doing some of those things.

“In my old age,” I thought that it would be fun to build a
six-figure eBay business… and then perhaps even scale it
to seven figures.

So, I studied what others were doing, joined a group
coaching program and am now “working it!”

Don’t worry, I’m not going to try to sell you access to
a coaching program. If you ask, I’ll tell you which one
I’m in which has a $5 per month and a $35 per month level…
but no affiliate program.

I’d like to invite you to follow along, for free, as I
go from zero to hero. I’ll document lots of what I learn
in short videos that I’ll share on YouTube, and in other

I’m inviting you to follow my adventures as I build up to
that six-figure income. Please do that by following my
YouTube channel here:


Today, I’m recording a short video on how to get started
selling on eBay with a ZERO cost of good sold. That’s
right, I’m going to share with you how to sell things that
cost you absolutely nothing!

I’ll also share with you how I turn VERY low-cost items
into thousands of times as much 🙂

Admittedly, it’s difficult making millions doing it this
way, but what I want to show you there is how to use that as
a stepping stone to the big money.

Sound good?

Go ahead subscribe to my YouTube channel, and I’ll see you
there: https://YouTube.com/TheModernMidas

To your success,
Willie Crawford